Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Best Mail
1.Do You know…
What will be the first thing that will be asked from this Ummah
هل تعلم أن أول ما يرفع من أعمال هذه الأمة؟
Five Prayers الصلوات الخمس
2.Do You know…
Do you know what was the first prayer offered By Mohammad S.A.W
هل تعلم أن أول صلاة صلاها رسول الله؟
It Was Duhr Prayer هي صلاةالظهر
3.Do You know…
Who will be the first one entering Jannah هل تعلم أن أول من يقرع باب الجنة؟
He will be Prophet Mohammad S.A.W هومحمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم
4.Do You know…
Who will be the first Ummah Entering Jannah هل تعلم أن أول أمة تدخل الجنة؟
It will be Ummah of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W هي أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
5.Do You know…
Who was the first one who say Azan in heavens هل تعلم أن أول من أذن في السماء؟
He was Jibrail A.S جبريل عليه السلام
6.Do You kow…
Who first predicted the hours to be twelve هل تعلم أن أول من قدرالساعات الاثنى عشرة؟
It was Nooh A.S, who did this when he was on boat to find out the
times for prayers نوح عليه السلام في السفينة ليعرف مواقيت الصلاة
7.Do You know…
Who was the first person who said SUBHANA RABBI AL AALA
هل تعلم أن أول من قال سبحان ربي الأعلى؟
He was Israfeel A.S. هو إسرافيل عليه< /SPAN> السلام
8.Do You know…
What was the first ayah revealed from Al-Quran هل تعلم أن أول ما نزل من القرآن الكريم؟
It was Surah Al-Alaq Ayah 1 اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق
9.Do You know…
Who first wrote with pen هل تعلم أن أول من خط ب القلم؟
He was Hazrat Idrees A.S هو إدريس عليه السلام
10.Do You know…
What was the last ayah revelaed from Al-Quran هل تعلم أن آخرمانزل من القرآن الكريم؟
It was Al-Baqara Ayah 281.. واتقوا يوماً ترجعون فيه إلى الله
11.You know…
What was the fist verse revealed from Torah هل تعلم أن أول ما نزل من التوراة؟
It was Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
12.Do You knw…
What is the most supreme Ayah in Quran هل تعلم أن أعظم آية في القرآن الكريم؟
Its Ayat Al-Kursi -------Al-Baqara Ayah 255 آية الكرسي
13.Do You know…
Whoever says SUBHAN ALLAHi WA BIHAMDIHI hundred (100) times,
All his sins will be forgiven even if they are as much as foam of the
sea من قال ( سبحان الله وبحمده ) مئة < /FONT>مره غفرت ذنوبه ولوكانت مثل زبدالبحر..
14.Do you know…
Whoever will say LAILLAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZ ZALIMEEN, من قال ( لآإله إلآ إنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
Whenever he is in sorrow, Allah will take away all his sorrows
Just like he saved YUNUS A.S, when he was inside the fish.
وهوفي شده فرجا لله عنه, ... كما فرج عن يونس عليه السلآم عندما قال هذه
الكلمات في بطن الحوت
15.Do You know…
The Prophet said
قال عليه ا لصلاة والسلام كلمتان ثقيلتان في الميزان حبيبتان إ لى الرحمن
"(There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and
very light (eay ) for the tongue (to say),
but very heavy in weight in the balance.
They are: Subhan Allah WA-bi hamdihi' and 'Subhan Allah Al-'Azim.."
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
16.Do You know…
Ibn-al Qayyam R.A said: the things that make the body sick are:
قال ابن القيم رحمه الله أشياء تُمرض الجسم الكلام الكثير * النوم الكثير * والأكل الكثير *
Too much talking, Too much sleeping, Too much Eating
17.Do You know…
Jabir reported that the Prophet, SAW, said, 'Whoever says
من قال سبحــــان الله وبحمده
Subhan-Allah- al-Azim WA bihamdihi (Glorified is Allah, the Great,
with all praise due to Him),
will have a palm tree planted for him in paradise.'' Reported by Tirmidhi
18.Do You know…
Juwairiyah bint Al- Hari th (May Allah be pleased with her) reported,
from the Mother of the Believers:
The Prophet (PBUH) came out from my apartment in the morning as I was
busy in performing the dawn prayer. He came back in the forenoon and
found me sitting there. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Are you still in the
same position as I left you." I replied in the affirmative.. There upon
the Prophet said, "I recited four words three times after I had left
you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since
morning, these will be heavier. These are: Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi,
`adada khalqihi, wa rida nafsihi, wa zinatah `arshihi, wa midada
kalimatihi . من قال سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا
نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته ثلاث مرات سباق مغري إلى الجنة
What will be the first thing that will be asked from this Ummah
هل تعلم أن أول ما يرفع من أعمال هذه الأمة؟
Five Prayers الصلوات الخمس
2.Do You know…
Do you know what was the first prayer offered By Mohammad S.A.W
هل تعلم أن أول صلاة صلاها رسول الله؟
It Was Duhr Prayer هي صلاةالظهر
3.Do You know…
Who will be the first one entering Jannah هل تعلم أن أول من يقرع باب الجنة؟
He will be Prophet Mohammad S.A.W هومحمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم
4.Do You know…
Who will be the first Ummah Entering Jannah هل تعلم أن أول أمة تدخل الجنة؟
It will be Ummah of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W هي أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
5.Do You know…
Who was the first one who say Azan in heavens هل تعلم أن أول من أذن في السماء؟
He was Jibrail A.S جبريل عليه السلام
6.Do You kow…
Who first predicted the hours to be twelve هل تعلم أن أول من قدرالساعات الاثنى عشرة؟
It was Nooh A.S, who did this when he was on boat to find out the
times for prayers نوح عليه السلام في السفينة ليعرف مواقيت الصلاة
7.Do You know…
Who was the first person who said SUBHANA RABBI AL AALA
هل تعلم أن أول من قال سبحان ربي الأعلى؟
He was Israfeel A.S. هو إسرافيل عليه< /SPAN> السلام
8.Do You know…
What was the first ayah revealed from Al-Quran هل تعلم أن أول ما نزل من القرآن الكريم؟
It was Surah Al-Alaq Ayah 1 اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق
9.Do You know…
Who first wrote with pen هل تعلم أن أول من خط ب القلم؟
He was Hazrat Idrees A.S هو إدريس عليه السلام
10.Do You know…
What was the last ayah revelaed from Al-Quran هل تعلم أن آخرمانزل من القرآن الكريم؟
It was Al-Baqara Ayah 281.. واتقوا يوماً ترجعون فيه إلى الله
11.You know…
What was the fist verse revealed from Torah هل تعلم أن أول ما نزل من التوراة؟
It was Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
12.Do You knw…
What is the most supreme Ayah in Quran هل تعلم أن أعظم آية في القرآن الكريم؟
Its Ayat Al-Kursi -------Al-Baqara Ayah 255 آية الكرسي
13.Do You know…
Whoever says SUBHAN ALLAHi WA BIHAMDIHI hundred (100) times,
All his sins will be forgiven even if they are as much as foam of the
sea من قال ( سبحان الله وبحمده ) مئة < /FONT>مره غفرت ذنوبه ولوكانت مثل زبدالبحر..
14.Do you know…
Whoever will say LAILLAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZ ZALIMEEN, من قال ( لآإله إلآ إنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
Whenever he is in sorrow, Allah will take away all his sorrows
Just like he saved YUNUS A.S, when he was inside the fish.
وهوفي شده فرجا لله عنه, ... كما فرج عن يونس عليه السلآم عندما قال هذه
الكلمات في بطن الحوت
15.Do You know…
The Prophet said
قال عليه ا لصلاة والسلام كلمتان ثقيلتان في الميزان حبيبتان إ لى الرحمن
"(There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and
very light (eay ) for the tongue (to say),
but very heavy in weight in the balance.
They are: Subhan Allah WA-bi hamdihi' and 'Subhan Allah Al-'Azim.."
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
16.Do You know…
Ibn-al Qayyam R.A said: the things that make the body sick are:
قال ابن القيم رحمه الله أشياء تُمرض الجسم الكلام الكثير * النوم الكثير * والأكل الكثير *
Too much talking, Too much sleeping, Too much Eating
17.Do You know…
Jabir reported that the Prophet, SAW, said, 'Whoever says
من قال سبحــــان الله وبحمده
Subhan-Allah- al-Azim WA bihamdihi (Glorified is Allah, the Great,
with all praise due to Him),
will have a palm tree planted for him in paradise.'' Reported by Tirmidhi
18.Do You know…
Juwairiyah bint Al- Hari th (May Allah be pleased with her) reported,
from the Mother of the Believers:
The Prophet (PBUH) came out from my apartment in the morning as I was
busy in performing the dawn prayer. He came back in the forenoon and
found me sitting there. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Are you still in the
same position as I left you." I replied in the affirmative.. There upon
the Prophet said, "I recited four words three times after I had left
you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since
morning, these will be heavier. These are: Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi,
`adada khalqihi, wa rida nafsihi, wa zinatah `arshihi, wa midada
kalimatihi . من قال سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا
نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته ثلاث مرات سباق مغري إلى الجنة
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wherever you may be, as long as you have access to Internet, you can now determine the direction of Qibla. Even for those who've just moved offices and doubting where the qibla is exactly, you can be sure that the answer is now right in front of you.
If you have internet and you want to know Qibla Direction for your prayers, please follow the following steps:
1. Go for this web site : http://www.qiblalocator.com
2. Enter city, then you will see your actual location (same as in Google Earth).
4. Locate your existing position or house.
5. You will find a (+) sign in the middle of the page, put the centre of this sign above your existing location of house.
6. You will find a red line starting from the centre of the (+) sign and end at Kab'a.
7. This line is your Qibla direction.
If you have internet and you want to know Qibla Direction for your prayers, please follow the following steps:
1. Go for this web site : http://www.qiblalocator.com
2. Enter city, then you will see your actual location (same as in Google Earth).
4. Locate your existing position or house.
5. You will find a (+) sign in the middle of the page, put the centre of this sign above your existing location of house.
6. You will find a red line starting from the centre of the (+) sign and end at Kab'a.
7. This line is your Qibla direction.
Secret of Healthy Life
MUHAMMAD (SAW), saviour and Master Healer of mankind invites you tohis most selective self help programme to rid you of all physical, mental and spiritual ailments and to teach you to develop your real personality, physical beauty, inherent strength, mental well-being, spiritual elevation and a unique and healthier life style till yetunknown to you.A style for the attainment of highest capabilities of man and woman inside you. A systematic physical, mental and spiritual health raising programme for you and your family. Discover the secrets hidden inside your body by educating yourself from the experiences and practices of MUHAMMAD (SAW) The Supreme man who educates you to spring into the real existence by the most efficient way to build and concentrate energy to gain perfection in physique mind and spirit.Avail this opportunity, to enhance your stamina, strengthen your immune system improve your healing power and protect yourself from MAJOR deadly diseases through “SALAT THERAPY” which extends the benefits of prevention treatment and cure within and beyond the heart. It ensures complete protection against Heart attacks, Angina, CardioVascular and Coronary artery disease, Stroke, T.B, Cancer, Aids, Arthritis-Diabetes, Emotional disorders, Psycho social adversity and adds happiness satisfaction and inspiration to your life style. Learn the methodology for correct performance and its application to rehabilitate and re-condition your heart and other vital parts of yourbody by yourself with the application of “Salat Therapy” five times aday and for rapid recovery 8 times a day. Learn the correct application for long and short term therapy, a therapy without medicine.Salat therapy combines.1. Hydro therapy2. Physio therapy3. Relaxation therapy4. Psycho therapy5. Aerobic therapy6. Prayer therapyThe correct application and performance ensures,1. Confidence-life satisfaction happiness and inspiration.2. Rapid and evident relief of symptoms of stress depression andFatigue.3. Strengthens your immune system and removes immune deficiency.4. Regular practice culminates into positive thinking and relaxation.5. Decrease in heart rate.6. Checks enlargement of heart and reduces its size to normal.7. Increases the depth of breathing.8. Excellent tolerability and convenience for all age groups, 10 yearsand above.9. High reliability. Reduction in risk of death.10. Ensures 100% protection against heart attacks.11. Extended benefits within and beyond the heart. Increase in lifespan.12. Increased physical activity and improved work performance.13. Eliminates the risk of fatal stroke. Reduces your blood pressureto normal cures Hypertension within 5 weeks.14. Long-term life saving cardio vascular protection.15. Sure cure against Angina. Removes angina within 10 weekscompletely.16. Improves the survival rate of patients.17. Most comprehensive stress management and life-improving programme.18. Do-it-yourself formula for regular application.19. Cures Diabetes with regular practice. Within 20 to 30 weeks youwill burn extra amount of fat and sugar in your body and becomenormal.20. Stops degeneration of brain tissue.21. Regular practice removes obstructions from the coronary arteriesand you can avoid a by pass.Please note, The traditional Salat is worthless and without any gains,rather it is destructive. Therefore to learn the correct methodology,Join Bait ul Mammoor and live a superior life, Pleasant, Progressive,ever happy and free of all major ailments.Through Salat the Prophet of Islam (SAW) has translated into practicalplan the promotion of physical and spiritual activities at differentstages of life, which we miss completely in our practice session (5Time prayer)The performance of Salat strictly according to the instructions of theProphet of Islam is a complete physical, mental and spiritualexercise. Its correct performance provides complete protection againstCoronary Heart Diseases, Heart Attacks, Hyper Tension, Diabetes,Stroke Disability, Brain Hemorrhage, Paralysis, T.B, Aids, Alzheimer’sDisease, Asthma, Insomnia, Stress, Depression and behaviour Disorders.It also strengthens immune system of the Human Body.The promotion of Salat for the beneficial effects justifies regularperformance, but the repetitive distorted patterns of posture andmovements lacking time and precision concentration and attentiondamage the beneficial effects, and instead, cause destruction due toincorrect performance. Mullah, Peer and Sufi has blocked the rightapproach since last many centuries as such; Salat has become a ritualinstead of an exercise. The aspect of physical exercise is completelymissing from our traditional Salat whereas the Salat explained inHadith is a complete and elaborate physical exercise. All MuslimsArabs and Non-Arabs alike perform Salat incorrectly therefore theyloose total benefits and Barkat. Please note that Salat has two partsAQWAL (reading or theory) and AFAAL (Performance or Practical)Please note that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the role model and you areto follow him, and not any Mullah, Peer or Sufi. The correctperformance according to the role model shall yield 100% results, andyou will become a perfectly healthy person free of all diseases.Therefore please try to learn the correct methodology adopted byProphet Muhammad (SAW) which is explained in Hadith quoted by us.I am ready to render help in finding new avenues and impart practicaltraining and education if any research institute / university /college / hospital in Pakistan or abroad is willing to carry outexperiments and research to ascertain its benefits and Barkat(Credibility). Only Three to Six months are required to assess itscredibility.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
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